Friday, November 30, 2007


Fall in love. Fall in love so completely, so freely that your heart soars above the clouds and a lump lodges itself squarely in your esophagus with the thought of losing it all.

Heal a broken heart. Cry so hard that you fear dehydration and chapped lips forever.
Never forget it.

Use your knowledge of this love and this loss to dip your feet into the boots of another person and walk around in them for awhile.

Feel passionate about something – anything. Use that passion to make the vacation plans you can’t afford; to write the story that won’t sell; to simply have a dream to hold tightly in your hands. Taste the passion. Let it swirl around in your mouth awhile.

Study people for their insecurities, their strengths, their passions and help them get over them, use them or find them.

Make money your second, third, fourth priority but never your first.

Call your Mom – from the kitchen, from next door, from a different city, or through a prayer
Just call her, she’s there.

Paint a picture as a child would- with green cats and purple bushes and yellow skies.
Paste it on your refrigerator a little while

Forgive someone for a wrong.

Learn that your lover is not your problem-solver, not your identity, not you.

Don’t commit a crime – even if you won’t get caught. Choose right. Discard wrong.

Be honest. Be loyal. Be real. Be that positive person you emulate and envy.

Hug a child close to you and see their smile and wonder at their own footprints in the sand

Fall down hard in the next snowstorm. Let your arms and legs move freely. Make an angel.
Be an angel.

Notice the sky at dusk. Drive 90 mph for a few seconds with the windows down
and the music loud; or get yourself to some peaceful stretch of earth at five in the morning just to see a gorgeous sunrise.

Remember not to slump.
Keep eye contact.
Smile a lot.
Make someone belly laugh until tears form in the corners of their eyes because of something you said or did. Revel in that.

Humiliate yourself and shrug it off. Then do it again, and again.

Have faith.
Have hope that you’ll live passionately forever.
Decide to live passionately forever; decide to love with everything you have inside you, around you, beside you.


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