Thursday, March 26, 2009

Right Now

Right now, someone is crying,
someone is dying,
someone is lying...

Right now, someone is making love for the first time,
for the last time,
for the only time.

Right now, someone is laughing their head off,
someone is giggling from tickles,
from glee,
from glory...

Right now,someone is puking their guts out,
from grief,
from sickness,
from drinking,
from chemo...

Right now, someone is wandering,
their life.

Right now, someone is shooting heroine,
smoking pot,
caressing a whiskey,
swallowing tequila and,
wandering, pondering,
their life.

Right now, somone is saying goodbye,
shocked by a goodbye,
mourning never having said goodbye...

or lifting a glass for a toast to a new love,
an old love,
a lost love,
a brother,
a mother,
a father,
a sister,
a friend.

Right now, someone else is feeling
exactly what you are feeling.

Right now, the pen will stop writing

...and life will go on.


Anonymous said...

that's the fortunate or unfortunate truth. Life goes on every day is a new day a new beginning and without faith, trust, and complete confidence in our Lord what is life?... what is earth?...what is this? Happiness, joy and thanksgiving is dependant on each of us and our attitudes. The bible says our minds our wicked and inpure but it's up to us to change that process with faith. Life happens but with all things give thanksgiving. Lynn

Aimee said...

Glad to see you back...missed you!
Keep writing, I think you will find comfort in your own words and thoughts.


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