Wednesday, February 25, 2009


The sunrise was just incredible this morning. Shades of pink and purple that Crayola could never imagine. An artist would have cried at the possibilities. A poet would have had to dig deep for words to describe it. And this mother had to hold herself back from waking two sleeping toddlers and wrapping them up in warm blankets to sit outside on the porch and watch as it changed into even deeper shades of pink and purple. Incredible. My camera couldn't capture it, and I tried to show them the pictures I had taken. They've grown used to seeing various images on the camera that Mommy has tried to freeze in time. I'm not that good... but maybe with a better camera. Doubtful. Too incredible.

I won the Mega Millions... spent $10, won $2. I feel richer, somehow. I went to bed last night with questions in my head, running around for a place in line. I concentrated on organizing them, peeling the layers of fog from around them and noting the truth of what was happening inside my head. I broke the thousands of thoughts down into about four real issues. I thought about the questions, asked them succinctly and then gave my mind free rein to figure it all out as I slept. It's funny how all the things that seemed so important last night just disappeared. I can hardly remember why I was so stressed out. Sleep is truly a drug.

So are sunrises. So are early mornings in the quiet. So are radiant smiles from two beautiful children - messy hair, sweet and pungent morning breaths, and an amazing ability to make their mom smile. As I was pouring Tony's cereal, I looked up to see Paige leaning in for a kiss from him - his hands were on both of her cheeks and his lips were out. They kissed, did a quick hug and then looked up at me expectantly, smiling. Oh, I wish I had my camera on me then. But I would have never been able to capture the beauty of it. Again, incredible.

It's only been an hour since I opened my eyes. I won $2, saw a beautiful sunrise, witnessed an incredible kiss, solved majorly stressful problems and am now floating on a super-sized raft of the love of this world.

This is the moment - these kinds of moments are the ones that assure me of my faith that things will turn out okay.

Jeff - I didn't win much in the lottery for you, but I have a hell of an ally on my side.

1 comment:

Andrea Renee said...

Carrie, thank you for your sweet message on my blog. I've been enjoying reading yours, too... You have such a great attitude with everything you are dealing with, and that, I'm sure, will help carry you through. I'm learning from you... Your kids are very blessed to have you for their mom. I'm honored that you and Cliff are among my readers! I'm keeping your whole family in my prayers. xoxo


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