Thursday, February 26, 2009


It is very difficult to think clearly in the midst of a crisis, in the midst of a situation that is out of your control, in the midst of sorting through words from medical doctors that paint a picture of the bleakest reality.

At the moment of seeing the tragedy, we were all equipped with dealing with it. Our hearts were prepared to deal with whatever reality this life gave us. And we stood together, shoulder to shoulder, to gain even more strength. That bond is unbreakable, and the strength from it is divine. Divine. I use that word with a purpose.

Sunrise comes, I climb the ladder...

My life has changed once again. My perspective has changed. My world is spinning just the same, but I am seeing it from so many different viewpoints. I stand outside of the turmoil, and I see it clearly - the "is" in "it is what it is".

Hope soars around me, landing on my shoulder, my hands, my heart...

Faith doctors the picture of reality, makes it palatable and amenable to fixing.

Love is a power stronger than anything.

I have all three. We have all three of these. We can do anything with these.

With these hands... with these hands... with these hands... I pray Lord.

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