Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Yubba Dubba Doo

I got to watch an episode of The Flintstones with the kids. In a nutshell, Barney got a job at Fred's work repossessing things. Fred owed money on a TV set. The episode centered upon Barney wanting to quit because it went "against [his] grain." Fred talked him out of it. So instead of taking Fred's TV, Barney used his new paycheck to pay off Fred's debt. The episode ended with a tear trickling down Fred's face at the generosity of his best friend.

Damn if that doesn't describe the friends that have surrounded the Fazzolari's during this week. Friends from college, high school, hometown, across the globe, family... oh dear, thank you! (And keep praying!)

Some certainties that came out of this week of chaos, confusion and compassion:

1. The Fazzolari's are blessed.
2. It's not that tough to get my sister to pee her pants.
3. Miracle after miracle after miracle...
4. Strong arms and a place to rest my head... that is what is missing for me and by me during this week. Divorce sucks.
5. My brother-in-law wins the gold for the best person on this planet. He is tied with my parents, Corinne, John, Cliff, Jim and Jeff... jeez, Kathy, Dana, Lisa and Lynn too... "The Fuzzys!"
6. Popple, Livecchi, Heinhold, Renaldo, Miller = Family
7. Praise, gratitude and love, love, love to God.
8. Humor makes us, gets us through, strengthens us and brings us back to the big picture because it makes us appreciate what we have and so brings on the tears!
9. Leaving Buffalo today was the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life.
10. What happened sucks. What we do with it, opens doors.
11. Barney is a pretty cool dude.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this your way of saying we're all getting money??
Seriously, I am glad you are home and I am thankful we seem to be seeing yet another miracle. Our family is blessed.


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