Saturday, December 22, 2007


Okay, one more for today - that'll be five. This one will be much more upbeat, as it is my annual list of new year's resolutions, and my resolutions are really, really, really easy to keep, except for maybe a few.

1) Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming... (from Finding Nemo)
2) Wash my face nightly.
3) Redline, redraft and publish my 'novel' (I guess it's not a novel yet, but it's a first draft, long enough to be a novel, and I wrote it this past year).
4) Game night (Wednesdays) with the kids.
5) Continue writing my blog.
6) Start my consulting business, on the side, until it becomes a money-maker.
7) Kick butt at work
8) Maybe start dating? (Ugh, it makes me gag to think about it - seriously, I looked like Jim Carrey in one of his movies where he gags. Any help here? Was it Liar-Liar?)
9) Take a writing workshop
10) Vacation with the kids and WITHOUT the kids.
11) Go horseback riding for the first time! (This has been on my list for the last 8 years and it needs to be done soon before osteoporosis sets in and it'll be too late).
12) Laugh! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha....
13) Keep smiling - my dimples, although thinning out now and stretching are defining elements of my face. I'll keep showing them off.
14) Sign Tony, Paige and myself up for karate - work toward that black belt. YA-HO (or whatever they grunt out as they kick in the air).
15) Get my teeth whitened so I have a beee-UUUUU-tiful smile...
16) Thank God every day and night for my wonderful family and friends.

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Baby Shark

I am a big fan of Ted Lasso - very positive, always happy, melodrama and relief....  I'm a big fan of my family too - David (aka LOML), ...