Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hungry Heart

She fed off the delicacies of her family, nibbled on the morsels of her friends. The discovery of new things, of young, of old; the feel of nice clothes on her skin, the beauty of the trees, of the sun; the beauty of every day filled her. Sometimes she was lonely until dawn, until the dusk, until the dawn again.

Stepping outside, she planted a garden of greens and reds and yellows. She nurtured the natural and witnessed the seedlings and buds and finally maturity. Taking a lovely bite, she observed, then clasped her hands, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Maturity. She tasted every morsel, shared every event and smiled. Feeding her soul, filling the emptiness and discovered her well fed heart. She had been carried safely to His arms. Dining with friends, dining alone, she smiled. Lonely only until the dawn now.

She prays for him. (She loves her kids).  He took a wrong turn, starving inside. Biting into money, biting into sex, biting into power, time and success. A hungry heart revealed the gorging on romance, laughter or quiet, always courting the unfed soul... hungry until the dawn, until the dusk, until the dawn again.

Her satiated heart permits her to share. And praying, she hopes in love and kindness, that he feeds off the morsels she has left behind so that his heart is no longer hungry and he'll be carried safely into His arms. She'll always treasure her fullness and the morsels she'll provide to anyone who is empty, and hungry and in need of a good meal. She loves her kids. Truth be told...

Joy and longing can only be fed by falling and looking up, and taking a hand and feeding. And then giving the extras away, until the dawn, until the dusk, until the dawn again.

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