Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Geeks and Music and Aggravation

My i-pod pooped the bed for the past few days and so I've been forced to either listen to the radio or fall back on the old ways and pop in a CD.  I spent three days listening to the radio and in a fit of impatience, I lost all control and rifled through my CD pile.  Tracy Chapman, Natalie Merchant and Sara Bareilles made the quick trip from my CD cabinet to the player in my car (which, by the way, records the CDs and features them permanently in the "Jukebox" of the stereo system; the car is smarter than George W.).  The good news is that I listened to Natalie Merchant before I listened to Tracy Chapman.  She (Natalie) got some face time but damn, Tracy Chapman's "At This Point In My Life" ruled the inside of my car for the good two hours that I spent in it intermittenly throughout the day.  And the funny thing is that I've written about this song before because it is simply phenomenal. Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oIsfrC3msc  or this one that features motivational quotes along with the music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4mi5AJEX9M&feature=related

The point of this blog wasn't supposed to be about Tracy Chapman, it's about how sucky my computer, i-tunes and my i-pod are.  I nearly threw all of them out on the side walk and had a stomping party this weekend.  How, may I ask, can my version of Windows 7 not be genuine when I bought the computer at Best Buy with it already installed, took the computer to the Geek Squad for a new motherboard and had it returned with an ingenuine version of Windows 7?  I asked that to Geek #1 and got a "Hmmm.  I don't know," and so I asked Geek #2 and he gave me a line of B.S. that was so long, I could've ridden it to Buffalo and back. 
"Just bring it in, we'll fix it." 
"You come here, you broke it." 
"Sorry Ma'am, we don't do that." 
"Don't call me Ma'am, and I'm not paying through the nose to have you fix something you broke." 
"Well, it's our policy to charge a diagnostic fee." 
"You can stick the diagnostic fee in your ear, I already diagnosed the problem." 
"What's that?" 
"You're a bunch of idiots." 
"Oh, well just bring it in, we can waive the fee, Ma'am." 
"I thought you might say that.  And please stop calling me Ma'am." 
"Oh, okay." 

Now I have to lug the PC to a pimply faced kid behind the counter and make the same argument again.  Bastards.

Oh, and Windows 7 is not compatible with i-tunes which is why my i-pod crapped the bed, and I nearly lost all my songs.

Yes, I can hear Chris now:  "Should've got a MAC, you wouldn't have this problem."  Yeah, yeah.  Bite it.

The only thing I can say about all this hardware, software, computer crap is:  At this point in my life, I've come to realize that on this earth, only birds and angels get the wings to fly.  I'm not a bird or an angel, so I have to face the Geeks and try to bite my tongue.  Thank God, I have Tracy in the Jukebox.

Oh, check out this song too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoNtYC_XDC8  Amazing.

1 comment:

chris said...

Windbloze 7 sucks! Still alot of bugs and incompatibilities! But then again I have a MAC!)))) bite the APPLE girl!)lol


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