Monday, July 19, 2010

Peppers Out the Wazoo

I spent two hours in the garden today.  The weeds that got through the black paper are like trees.  The tomato plants are so heavy that they knocked down the cages and so I was burdened with the task of putting in stakes and tying them into an upright position.  I am tripping over watermelons.  (What possessed me to buy four watermelon plants?  The neighbors are going to hate me by the end of the summer). The cucumbers are coming in waves, alongside the yellow squash and the zucchini. 

We mustn't forget the peppers - hot banana peppers, sweet banana peppers and jalapenos. 

Out the wazoo.

I could feed a good portion of China on the peppers alone!

It is not clear why I planted so many peppers this year.  I think it was because last year I was in such a fog of grief that I don't recall eating any.  So this year, I think, I subconsciously tried to make up for it.

I spoke with my sister yesterday about the 2nd annual stuffed hot pepper contest.  I will be a participant this year and I am a sure winner.  If my siblings start talking smack now, they are sure to regret it when they have to eat humble pie and pin the blue ribbon to my shirt.  I say this in jest because we all know that Jeff is looking down on us and loving every second of it, and would probably be the winner.  I've been saying prayers that he come to me in a dream with a good recipe, just so y'all know.

Anyway - if anyone nearby needs some vegetables, stop over and pick away.  And if you need peppers, check the wazoo.

1 comment:

Corleone said...

bring 'em for the hot pepper contest!


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