Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Who You Gonna Call?

When I'm at my worst - sad, heart-broken, desperate, dismal, hopeless - I sure feel lousy. I feel so lousy that I don't want to lift my head from the pillow. I feel so lousy that nothing seems possible, that giving up seems to be the solution of strength. The clinging, wanting, yearning for meaning is unbelievable.

Thankfully, I haven't felt that way in quite awhile. Don't get me wrong, I feel pangs of it, especially since... especially since... well, you know. But the pangs are usually fleeting, lasting an hour, maybe two hours at most and usually it's not every day.

I ask you, dear readers, to imagine those people who feel that despair every hour of every day. To even think that it might last longer than two days is difficult to imagine.

Where is the faith?
Where is the hope?
Where is the friendship?
Where is the love?

If you know someone that might be feeling this way, pick up the phone and make the call.

That's our duty as fellow human beings.

And please, don't imagine what it's like for too long. Compassion can only bring you to the place of understanding; any further, and you're sunk too.

I don't know why I write this... only to say, there is hope. There is faith. There is friendship. There is love. It's out there. If you're feeling like the person I described in the first paragraph: pick up the phone, make the call. There are people who will listen.

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