Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Zippity Do Da

Let's see.  It's election day.  I can't wait to get out there and vote!  The politicians make it so darn easy with all the honesty and forthright details about all the important and socially critical points.  Boy, voting for them is such a treat!

I also can't wait to roll up a pair of socks and stick the meaty part in my mouth until I gag.

It's also All Souls Day, say a prayer for the faithfully departed souls.  I did and I will throughout the day.

Most interesting about this day is that I have managed to wake up and string together letters to make words to make sentences after another night of tossing and turning, jaw-clenching and whining.  Sleep is evading me these days - it's mad at me for some reason and leaves pockets of exhaustion in the corner of every room I inhabit, including my brand new office.

Yesterday was day one of my new job.  It looks like it might be a keeper.  The people I met seem cool, the work seems bearable and familiar, and the whole idea of having a life outside this house feels necessary.  I loved working from home for all those years, don't get me wrong, yet, driving my new car the twenty minutes to work makes me happy, and saying, "Good morning Ralph, good morning George, good morning coffee has its perks (Ha. I made a nice little pun there, did you see that?).  I actually crave the ritual, and know that when the work starts to hit (oh, and it will hit because there is a lot of work), I will fall into the rhythm of producing and achieving, and I like the way that feels.

If only I could get some damn sleep!  I'd like to say it is because I am in such deep thought about my political choices (actually, no, I wouldn't like that at all), but it isn't.  I'd like to say it's because I am pepped up with excitement over all the fun things I've been doing in my life, but alas, that's not it.  Because I'm anxious over the new job?  Because the dogs keep me up?  Because I can hardly wait to rise and greet the new day?  Nope. Nope. Nope.

It's grief.  Plain and simple.  I wake, I think, I get sad, I pray, I fall asleep; I wake, I think, I get sad, I pray, I fall asleep...  same old, same old, and it blows.

Hey, did I mention it's election day, oh and All Souls Day, and yeah, the second day of my new job? 

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... sleepy....zzzzzzzzzz.....

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