Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Weekend is a Weekend is a Weekend

Yesterday was quiet.  I spent the morning and into the afternoon cleaning.  Then I met the kids (and my ex) at basketball practice.  It was the first day of a 4 week clinic and then basketball league begins in January (which, I'll be assistant coaching, thank you).  Yesterday, was just a rundown of the fundamentals:  how to hold the ball, where to point your feet, how to jump while shooting, how to shoot.  Paige is like me - listening, listening, listening and then she practices and has it perfected.  She made a couple shots after some time of trying way too hard.  Tony?  I watched as he tripped over the ball, knocked other kids over trying to retrieve the ball and did a little two step before shooting.  He looks like one of the oldest kids out there, but I have to remind myself that he's barely six years old, and I am sure that the coaches thought he was terribly clumsy.

After the practice, I told Paige she did a good job and she said, "But I think you're a better." 
"Well of course I'm better, that's why you're in clinic so that I can play evenly with you." 
And she said, "No, I think you're a better coach."  (We've been shooting hoops for over a year now, practicing in the driveway whenever it is nice).  Tony, as he walked to the car was crying, complaining of a stomachache (I secretly think it was because he knew he wasn't coming back with me), but when I asked him if he liked practice, he shrugged and said, "It was okay.  But when you teach me, it will be better."

Right now, I know their enthusiasm is coming off of me.  I know that they are seeking to play and learn the sport because they know I find so much enjoyment in playing it and they want that for themselves.  And it is so true.  I want to see them outside, arguing while they play PIG, I want to hear them making up shooting games, I want to hear them laughing when one of them blows a shot way wide.  And I want to be part of the game with them.

When I returned home, I had a few messages from friends, requesting my presence for the evening.  I politely declined all invitations and settled with the DVR and the remote, a couple loads of laundry to fold, and caught up on my shows from the last two weeks.  I was in bed and asleep by 10pm.

In a couple hours, I will pick the kids up from my ex's house, take them to Sunday School (while I attend church) and then out to lunch before dropping them back off at his house for the remainder of their time with him.  The Sunday school is important to me so I don't mind the drive back and forth every other weekend, and honestly, the kids like it too.  They get a little break with Mom on that every other weekend and they don't mind Sunday school.  It is working out well. 

Beyond that?  More cleaning and a boatload of work for my "real" job.

What I've just realized:  I am a 38 year old, single woman going on 80.  All I need are some cats and a weekly hair appointment.

And one more realization:  I kind of like it.

1 comment:

Cliff Fazzolari said...

Teach them to shoot every time they get their hands on the ball - the Fuzzy way...the hell with the teammates...'you don't get your name in the paper for assists,' Dad told me.


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