Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I've heard that the hard times in life reveal the truest friends - they stick with you through it. Once again, I am pleasantly overwhelmed by the presence of great people in my life. Last night, I cooked a huge meal of chicken legs & breasts, broccoli, rice... a huge meal. I invited friends over on a whim, and the conversation was good, the laughter unending and the comradery revealing. Our kids all played together, happily. At one point I stepped outside onto my porch, looked up at the sky and said, "Thank you!" I don't know how I got to be so lucky to have the friends I have.

Last week, I got another letter and card in the mail from a friend that has sent me a either a card, a cd, a poem, or a letter at least twice a month since the separation. I spent an hour and a half on the phone with another friend of mine last week and we talked and giggled like we were in the third grade! I'm in two book clubs with amazing women! The first book club has been together for six years, the second one I just joined, and damn, both of them have great people - so caring and funny and intelligent. Then I have my college roommates - lifelong friends whether we talk or not; so supportive. And my best friend in the whole world from law school lives inside my heart like he owns it! On top of this, I have coworkers from years ago that are now my best friends - they are staples in my life and I don't know what I'd do without them. And my family... my parents, brothers, sister and all my sister-in-laws and brother-in-law... my best friends. Whenever my sister calls me, she has something to say that makes me laugh so hard and then I am buoyant!

I am blessed. How did I get to be so lucky? How will I ever repay them?

I guess they know how much I love them. I obviously don't say it to them all the time, but they must know, right? For those of you who haven't heard it from me lately, Thank you. I love you.

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