Monday, February 27, 2012

The Missing Link - - - Sleep? Nope.

I'd love to know if people that do what is necessary to get by, and nothing more, get stressed out.  I keep thinking about the kind of day I had at work - - - balls to the wall, non-stop, work.  No lunch.  No coffee break.  No water-cooler talk.  Nothing beyond getting things done.  Putting fires out, possibly starting new ones, and wondering if I can ever catch up and do the the things that are part of my actual job description.

I get it though, I truly do.  I am one of those people that works their ass off, and is rewarded with more work.  Or perhaps, I seek out more work on my own because I see where the extra effort is needed. 

In any case, it is Monday and I am already exhausted!

Yet, I love the challenge.  I love my co-workers.  I love that I have a steady paycheck.  I love that my kids see a working mom.

It is 8pm.  I am so tired.  I am more tired than the kids, but I can't go to bed because they're not ready yet!  They need their mama to read to them, to tuck them in, to love them.

Dear Lord, I pray for the most beautiful sky tomorrow morning.  I pray for the gaggle of geese, honking in formation, seasoning the pinkest skies tomorrow morning.  I pray that my first sip of coffee tomorrow morning is the best, damn sip of coffee I have ever had.  I pray that the kids brush their teeth, eat their breakfast, brush their hair and get dressed an hour before the bus so that we can spend a good amount of time shooting hoops in the driveway before the bus comes to get them.  I pray that Paige continues to write her story "Two Suns Unite" with the vigor and enthusiasm of a relay racer.  I pray that Tony always, always, always stays as sweet and kind as he is right now; that whoever marries him will cry with happiness at having found such a catch. And I pray for health for myself and for all those whom I love.  I pray for wealth.  And the winning lottery numbers.  And. . . and. . . the missing link.

Ah, the missing link.  I pray for that the most.

But right now, I pray for sleep and peaceful dreams.

For you, for me, for all my co-workers and friends. . .

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I’m tired these days. I procured a case of Covid and spent a few days down and out – still working, but tired, tired with a fried brain by t...