Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Me and the kiddies spent Labor Day weekend in Buffalo, visiting with my brothers and sister, their cousins and grandma.  It was a decent time.  Things are certainly different, hollow in some ways, but there's still a lot of love going around up there.

The job I had lined up, fell through, now it looks like it's a go again, sometime next week.  In the meantime, my days have been spent with the kids.  We've had some great meals - the ones they help me cook are the best because they're thrilled to eat it all up.  I've gotten my butt kicked way too many times in Uno, War and Cadoo; and since I taught Tony his Uncle Jeff's trick, the puzzles we put together are never completed until Tony pulls the last piece out of his pocket, giggling as he does it.  I've learned the iCarly lingo and the Spongebob skits, the famous lines in Marmaduke, and what to do when the kids rile up the little bastard, Enzo.

Things are good.  Despite the sadness in my heart over the losses and due to the sympathy I feel toward my other family members, my own little family is doing very well.  Perhaps it is because we have a routine down now that puts us all to bed early, gets me up very early, and ignites the day with love and laughter.  Even the dogs seem happier.  I love summer, but damn, I love this too.

Nothing much else to write today.   Tomorrow might supply a greater creativity to me.  Until then I'll just hang with the kids.

1 comment:

Cliff Fazzolari said...

It was great to see you - wish we all had more time to get together -weather, mood and sickness didnt help much.

Baby Shark

I am a big fan of Ted Lasso - very positive, always happy, melodrama and relief....  I'm a big fan of my family too - David (aka LOML), ...