Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What's Your Favorite?

Kids like consistency.  They like to know when they need to do something, the consequences of not doing it and the sense of accomplishment when it is done.

I have been working real hard since getting the kids back on Friday from their two day excursion with their dad, to get them into the mode of ritual and routine.  It worked so well on Saturday as we walked through Target with their new lunch boxes that I ended up dropping all the items into a nearby crib and walking down the aisle alone while Paige and Tony wailed (crying) and wailed on each other (arguing).  When I got forty feet away, they noticed my backside.  "Mommmmmmmmmmmmy...."  I turned around, shook my head at them in disappointment and kept walking.  Next thing you know, I hear stuff dropping behind me.  Paige is trying desperately to get all the items into her arms, while Tony gets all the stuff she is dropping.  They're still arguing but they're working together because man, Mommy is pissed off.  I hear them running beside me, "We're sorry Mommy."  And you know, they followed me, their arms full of stuff - lunch pals, water bottle, batteries...  We placed them on the conveyor in silence, I made small talk with the cashier, our bags were packed and we got out to the car.  When the kids buckled themselves in I said, "If either of you ever, ever, ever throw a fit like that at a store or a restaurant, at someone's house or even at home, I will get a sitter and go alone next time, and you will end up with nothing.  Got it?" 

"Got it, Mommy.  Sorry." 

After that, I've been even more focused on them, trying to get them into the mode of respect and discipline.  I explained the whole "when someone gives you a job to do, always do more than what is expected" to Paige while we were cleaning up all of her art supplies together.  She said, "I'm going to put these away too."  She gets it.

The bedtime ritual is their favorite, and I have stepped it up a notch this year.  Not only do they get their bath, their cuddle time during the show, their book, we've also added another layer.  After the lights are out (they fall asleep in my bed and I take them to their rooms shortly after - [I know, it's work and spoiling]), we talk a bit.  Last night I said, "Let's see how much we know about each other."  I told them what they're favorite breakfast was and then I said,

"What's Mommy's favorite breakfast?"

They thought about it for several seconds.  Tony gave up because he hardly sees me eat breakfast and then Paige exclaimed,  "Cold pork chops!" 

"Yeah, yeah, that's it!"  Tony followed.

"Who's my favorite singer?"

They rolled their eyes, "Bruce."

"Okay, what's my favorite song when I think about...."

"American Land"  Tony answered, bored.

"...you guys."

"Oh."  Tony said.

They thought about it.  They actually started humming the song, but couldn't remember the name of the song.
They both sat up in the bed and looked at each other, willing each other to pull it off the tips of their tongues.  I started singing: 

Rain pourin' down, I swing my hammer

My hands are rough from...

"Working on a dream!" They both exclaimed.

Tony said, "My favorite is American Land."

"Good choice."

"Mine is um, um, um the one with the road."  Paige said.

"Screen door slams, Mary's dress waves, like a vision she dances across the porch as the radio plays..."  I sang.  "Thunder Road?"

"Yes!  I love that song!"  I was so proud of her, I almost cried.  Everybody loves that song.  Everybody should listen to that song at least 500 dozen times in their lifetime.

"This was fun, but I'm sleepy Mommy.  Can we play again tomorrow?"


And they fell into a sound sleep - we all fell into a sound sleep, at a reasonable hour.

This morning I opened my eyes while they still lay in their beds dreaming and I sang: 

The sun rise comes, I climb the ladder
The new day breaks and I'm working on a dream

I'm working on a dream

Though it can feel so far away

I'm working on a dream
Our love will make it real someday

1 comment:

chris said...

When i see you smile is always up there for some reason?)


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