Friday, August 13, 2010

Ah, Fuzzy

It'll be a week and a lifetime that I've been home. I've been without internet access, other than checking my emails and some mobile facebook updates. In fact, I am sitting at my sister's house typing this post into my blackberry. Things are not great. I feel like someone took a pillowcase full of soap and beat me with it - physical aching, emotional drainage and mental incapacitation. The rest of my family feels it too, I know they do. Last night, despite utter exhaustion, I stayed up with my mother last night and we talked. She told me about the days when she was dating my father, when they began their family and sadly, his death. A lifetime ago - just a week - and you know, I'm gonna feel her pain, my siblings' pain and my own pain for awhile. I want and need to be the hermit crab again, for a little while. I'll also allow anybody to pull me out and give me a hug. Hugs are good. They're real good. Just don't ask me how I'm doin... Don't ask, just know. Days will elapse. Time will pass. And life will continue to suck for awhile. Say a prayer for my mom, eh? She just lost a real man, a family man and a good husband. Ah, Fuzzy...

1 comment:

chris said...

Virtual hugg

"And death shall have no dominion. Dead men naked they shall be one. With the man in the wind and the west moon; When their bones are picked clean and the clean bones gone, They shall have stars at elbow and foot; Though they go mad they shall be sane, Though they sink through the sea they shall rise again; Though lovers be lost love shall not; And death shall have no dominion."- Dylan Thomas



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