Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Good Friends

Man, I was just blown away by a You Tube version of Springsteen's Incident on 57th Street.  The introduction alone is worth the listen.  Here's the link:   What blew me away even further was that the link came from a new friend of mine, whom I met while I was at the Writer's Workshop - already a good friend, sharing something that she knew I'd like.  There aren't enough people like this in the world.  Aly, if you're reading this:  thanks, I am so glad we met.

Tonight is blue-cheese-stuffed-olive-grey-goose-martini-night.  Why not?  It's a Wednesday during the work week - what better night to have it?  I marinated a couple flank steaks and made a tomato-cucumber salad as big as the bathtub, stuffed the olives myself, and I am just waiting for my friends to arrive.

Man, I just replayed the song.  So good...

I missed the kids today.  I was cleaning their playroom and their bedrooms and I longed to hear their voices.   I did not cry though, just missed them.  They are good friends too.

I spoke with my mom this afternoon.  She's heading out to bingo.  Another good friend.

They're all around me.  Lucky, lucky to have them.

John - thanks for welcoming me to the other side.

Yet, another good friend.

Time to listen to it again... 

Perhaps, after a couple martinis, I'll attempt to write something.  It works for Cliff (another good friend) - why not me?  Later.

1 comment:

Aly said...

I am reading, baby. I love you. I can't believe that you had that bad feeling yesterday... well, that we both did. I am here for you. I am always here for you.

- a.


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