Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Am I Entitled to the Anger?

I could tell you that I'm poised, straight clothing, combed hair, laughing eyes and you might believe me; I could work through this blogpost like I've worked through all of them - considering the audience and my own self-respect, gauging the possible reaction to my emotions, filtering things through the sensory perception of what any one person can handle - yet the temptation to blow my top is too strong today.

Hope schmope.  Damn it, I've had my fill.  We've all had our fill of all of it.  And if my siblings and my mom aren't feeling it yet, then they're not paying attention because this blows, this sucks, it's jacked up beyond all belief and the saying "God doesn't give you more than you can handle" is completely lacking intelligence and was probably coined by someone who broke their leg on the day of their wedding, which, by the way, is SMALL, TINY, MINISCULE.

Yesterday was the three year anniversary of my separation - the day he walked out and into the arms of someone else, leaving me dumbstruck and dumb, raising two children while on rubber legs.  Three freaking years have passed and oh, I got through it - wonderfully got through it, though it took time and self-reflection and introspection and anger and tears and pain and sorrow and finally acceptance.  I got through it.  I learned a lot about myself in the process.

Jeff died.

Did God forget that?

Did He forget that our hearts were torn, ripped into something that resembles nothing imaginable - a chunk of it gone, spinning into the unknown?  Does He realize that we still have images of Jeff in the hospital, fighting for his life - that we relive his passing on a daily basis, that we miss him on a daily basis, that the void of losing him is so black and big and scary that we pray, we hope, we pray, we hope, we want and we love? Does He realize how painful that is?

I am reminded of the story in the bible of the death of Lazarus - when Jesus wept, though He knew that Lazarus would rise again, he wept for the pain of Mary and Martha, he wept because of their sorrow. 

I find comfort in that.

But hey, guess what God?  Our dad is dead now too.  Another chunk is gone, spinning in the unknown.


Truth is, I haven't the energy to care or find a reason for it.  Is it for my own personal growth?  I feel grown enough, thank you.  I've read the freaking self-help manuals on divorce, grief, loss, rejection, pain, sorrow and loss ad nauseum.

How about I get sick with happiness and hope and being so in love with someone that I make people sick?  How about that for a change?  How about the happy ending for the woman that was cheated on, lied to, suffered through a divorce and a death of a sibling, watched her parents mourn - heartbroken -, watched her brothers and sisters, sister-in-laws and brother-in-law mourn - heartbroken -, who dealt with her own pain and empathized with the pain of all those people and still got through gets a freaking happy ending?  How about that?  Where is that?

Why is it that the lying, stinking, cheating bastards in this world, who haven't a clue about what love is, what family is, what truth and reality is, thrive? 

Does this mean I have a greater reward in heaven?

Is this anger justified?

Am I going to suffer through pergatory for even having these thoughts?  Or will I get a pass through pergatory because of it?

I'm tired.

Real, real tired.


Cindy Lehnortt said...

You are... You have been through so much. You know I relate to you because of my daughter Tracey and our shared hometown and I too lost 3 very special people, my Mother my Dad & my wonderful Mother-in-law in a span of just a couple of years. I can't even immagine what it must be like to loose your brother! I hope these trials & dark days pass and that you & Tracey find someone wonderful to share your lives with. I think you are both very special & deserve it so much! Bless you Carrie, my thoughts are with you!

chris said...

"Now it seems to me that love of some kind is the only possible explanation of the extraordinary amount of suffering that there is in the world." - Oscar Wilde
I know u can't at the moment but try to appreciate all the love you felt with your dad and jeff over the suffering u feel NOW.Hug your lil ones tighter now as u will again someday hug your dad like u do the kids, please find some peace? And hug your mom too alot!

Carrie Lynn Fazzolari said...

Chris: The love IS stronger. I had to sit back and think about it but yes, the love is stronger than the pain. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Henri Nouwen wrote "Joy and sorrow are never separated. . . Joy is hidden in sorrow and sorrow in joy. If we try to avoid sorrow at all costs, we may never taste joy, and if we are suspicious of ecstasy, agony can never reach us either. Joy and sorrow are the parents of our spiritual growth." It is not a comfort now, Carrie, I know. It sucks and you have every right to be angry as hell, but the quote reinforces what chris said.

chris said...

ah luv the nouwen quote jacqui, holds so true for carrie...

"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."
-- Holy Bible, Psalms 30:5

"Focus on making yourself happy and you'll soon be miserable. Focus on bringing joy to others and your own happiness will quickly follow."
-- R.Williams

"Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God."
-- Fr. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

i guess what im trying to say is to keep your children joyful and it will spread in your soul. and you might even get another cup of coffee?) so precious

FrauPam2 said...

Carrie...your post reminded me of the main character in "The Shack". Have you read that book? If not, you should really read it. It will make you cry, make you smile, make you cry some more. But in the end, I thought it was a great read with a lot to offer. And when you are grappling with faith, or whether there is really a God (universe, spirit, etc.), it truly makes you THINK. And, believe it or not, there were answers to the WHY? Let me know what you think....

Cindy Lehnortt said...

Tracey just read your blog. She said she feels like you have a window into her soul.


I’m tired these days. I procured a case of Covid and spent a few days down and out – still working, but tired, tired with a fried brain by t...