Monday, December 27, 2010

Oh Brother: To Cliff

I finished the book in eight hours, with the kids screaming around me, with the impending drive to MD on my mind and well, I couldn't put it down.  It was so much better than the first read through, and so much more heartbreaking too!  And funny!  Damn, it was funny Cliff.  He was a character, an amazing, loving streaking clown of love!

You told the story of Jeff and you told the story of Dad, and you told the story of us, and you made the Fuzzy's known...

You did well. And I thank you.  I thank you with tears in my eyes, I thank you with a laugh on my lips, I thank you with a proud, proud smile on my face.

Thanks Cliff.  I love you.

1 comment:

Cliff Fazzolari said...

Not just me, for sure...all of us had our hands on, loving, and whirling our way through. I just typed it. I love you too...but I need to listen to Jeff's message as much as the next person. Celebrate life. Celebrate love. Celebrate the mundane and celebrate even the sadness. We get one shot. We should all strive to meet the mark he set for us. Along with Dad....the bar is set real high. Now, the trick is in clearing that raised bar!


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