Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Little Babies. . .

My immediate family has turned a corner.  I just realized that the little bastard, Enzo, isn't a little bastard anymore.  He's actually kind of cool.  No longer does he bite my ankles in a frenzy, or jump on the kids and drag them by the shins around the house.  He doesn't jump up on the counters, trying to grab cookies, or pork chops, or bananas and apples.
Every once in awhile, he'll put his paws on Gracie's head and whine for her attention.  She generally ignores him until his cries reach a high-pitched crescendo.  Then she'll make a face and snap at his nose. 

Yet, they get along very well.  They chase each other around in circles in the house, until she tires herself out.  (My Gracie girl will be 8 in January).

They've come a long way, her and Enzo.

 Then we have the kids. . . They simply adore Gracie and Enzo.

The kids' bus comes at 4:10 every day.  At 4:00, both dogs are running around like crazy.  They scratch to go out the back door, and run to the fence closest to the street.  When they see me putting on my shoes to go down to the bus stop, they run in circles, scrambling to be as close as they can be to the door when I open it.  I have to slither out.

As the kids come running down the driveway with their back packs, both dogs are at the door, their tails wagging so that their whole backside shakes.

Yes, we've come a long way.

1 comment:

Cliff Fazzolari said...

Very Nice...Tony looks great in the NY Hat


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