Saturday, April 6, 2019

Lonely is the Night

I finally gave into Amazon and got a subscription for Music Unlimited.

I'll tell you why.

I watched a movie and though the movie thoroughly sucked, the opening scene played Emotions in Motion by Billy Squier, and it has been years since I heard the song, or any of his others.

After the movie was over, I searched and found that I couldn't listen to it, or any of his other songs unless I got Music Unlimited, or checked it out on YouTube.  So I am now a member.

I put on his greatest hits and the song Lonely is the Night came on and I actually listened to the words.  "Lonely is the night when you find yourself alone, your demons come to light and your mind is not your own. . ."

I found myself alone quite a bit this week.  The kids were with their dad, and LOML had some work stuff to do so I found myself alone.

I've been lonely, and I've had my demons come to light, and I've had a mind that is not my own.  I didn't have any demons in the light, and my mind was my own, but this week was one where I felt lonely.

It's my own fault, really.  I have friends to call, siblings to text, walks to take and words to write.  I have characters inside my head screaming to say something.

Yet I fell into the loneliness this week and "I was lazin' around the TV."

I've been feeling sorry for myself.  I interviewed for a position at my company that I thought was the perfect role for me, and many others in the company thought the same, but I didn't get the job.

Rejection. Its teeth broke the skin, and I don't like it.

Yet, it just doesn't matter.

It took me some nights of lazin' around the TV and a few words to get here, but I got here.  I pulled rejection's teeth from the skin of my forearm and turned up the music.

No more sleepin', wastin' our time
Midnight creepin's, first on our minds
No more lazin' 'round the TV
You'll go crazy, come out with me

So the lyrics aren't that great, but I heard them so they're awesome.

Billy Squier - a healer.  Who'd a thought that?

And don't get my started on The Stroke.  I'm 47 years old and I just figured out what he's referencing. . .

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