Thursday, April 25, 2019


My 16 year old daughter, Paige, and I are in love with the same man.

He's Scottish-Italian and talks to us like we are number one in his life.  He's sad and confused, he's hip and sexy.  His voice is like water in the desert, like a good cleanse before vacation, like soothing balm on a sunburn. . .

His name is Paolo Nutini.  He is 16 years older than Paige, 15 years younger than me.  I am fond of his voice.  Paige, at 16, is fond of his voice and everything else. She thinks he's hot.

I would never say that I thought of him that way, shirtless and singing breathlessly into the microphone, directly at me.  I could never say that the video of him sitting on a stool, smoking a cigarette and singing soulfully into the microphone - directly at me! - had any impact on my feelings for him. 

He's a great singer. Truly.

This morning Tony said he wanted Swordfish for dinner.  I've never made Swordfish, but I figured that butter and garlic and basil makes anything taste great, so I said yes.

I won't say that Swordfish sucks.  Tony loved the Swordfish and Paige liked it but was feeling sick (hack, hack, cough), so I disregard her opinion.  I'm not going to say that dousing the Swordfish in garlic and butter and basil didn't work.  I won't say I hated it and that I ate the steamed broccoli and rice instead.  I won't even say that I fed my portion to the cats. 

I like fish. Truly.

I adopted two kittens a couple months ago --- a male and a female.  The male's name is Goose and the female's name is Megaladon (Tony named her).  They loved the Swordfish too.

I would never say that kittens/cats are dirty, filthy animals.  I won't say that their sounds are different or irritating or even annoying.  It wouldn't be right if I said that when they run up my leg and hop on my shoulder to look into the same mirror I am looking into as I put on make-up is painful and annoying.

They're really cute and lovely, and I love them.  Truly.


I love dogs.  I miss Gracie.

Gracie would look me in the eyes and with just a look she would let me know that Paolo is way too young for me and way too old for Paige. She would let me know that a Ribeye works better for my tastes and that Swordfish is better left for the filthy animals.

I would never say I am a dog person. 

But I am.

I miss my girl.


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