Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Big Blue Ball

So the new job is kicking my ass - - - physically, not mentally.  And it's not necessarily my ass that it's kicking either.  It's more like the 2nd - 7th vertebrae in my neck.  I read hundreds of pages of documents daily; spend hours scribing emails; and then have the occasional conference call where I cradle the phone on my shoulder so that my hands are free.  With all of this going on, I can hardly be expected to have good posture, right?

So, by the end of the week, my head and neck are so sore, and I am constantly attempting to massage the pain out of it.  I have Paige walk on my back nightly to realign my vertebrae, and I do stretches throughout the day.

Nothing has worked.

So now I have a big blue ball.  I sit on it at work.  When I bounced it into the office, all the men laughed and all the women were envious because not only would it help me with my posture, but it is also working my core.  It's funny to be bouncing on it as I sit listening to Pandora and write contracts, oblivious that the people walking by my office door think there is something wrong with me.

Yet, the big blue ball fails me sometimes, as well.  Not because it isn't the perfect way to maintain my posture but because it is round and it rolls, and if I make a big move (say, to throw out a piece of garbage), I lose my balance and sometimes fall off.  (They don't call me Grace without reason and irony).  My office shares a wall with the receptionist and when I brought the ball in, she laughed and said, "If I hear a clunk against the wall and no other noises coming from your office, shall I assume you fell off the ball and knocked yourself out?"

Funny lady, eh?

But yeah, that's probably a good assumption.

I have bruises on my legs from falling off and hitting the side of the desk, but damn, my neck sure feels good!

1 comment:

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