Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Wonder Years

If you've ever had the good fortune of getting hooked on the TV show, The Wonder Years, you've been introduced to good writing, and some thought-provoking episodes.

Paige is hooked on the show though it is more than a decade older than she is.  That's longevity.

Tonight's episode is about how a family, completely naive of ever having had a death occur within it, deals with it.  It's on right now as I write this, and Paige is cuddled beneath a blanket, enthralled.

The wonder years. . .

Never had them until I turned 35 years old or so.  I wondered about boys.  I wondered about romantic love. I wondered if God existed.  I wondered if I'd be able to get through the death of a loved one.  I wondered what would happen if I ever got a divorce.  I wondered if I would ever quit a job.  I wondered if my hair would turn gray.  I wondered what I would say if I was ever diagnosed with a disease.

There is a very big part of me that is upset for ever wondering about any of these things!  If I hadn't thought about them, pondered my reactions to them, worried so about them - - - well, maybe none of them would have happened!

Boys are boys.  Some are full of integrity and humor, laughter and love.  Some of them suck.

God exists.  No doubts anymore.  No wondering. No worries.

Have had a fair share of "getting through" the death of loved ones. . . still walking the walk, striding through the journey, learned that "getting through" is impossible though moving forward within the void, is.

Divorced. Eh, it is what it is.  Still working hard to raise my babies to know family though.

Did quit a job.  Part of me liked it, part of me loved it.

Loreal Preference does wonders for the grays.

Been diagnosed.  Still here.

The wonder years.

They begin, they grow, they continue.

This life is a kingdom of days. Nothing more.  Nothing less.

God exists.

No worries.

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