Monday, April 2, 2012


It has been a see-saw week.  When I say see-saw, I mean one that reaches the highest clouds in the sky where you sit feeling the warmth of a beautiful day on your smiling mouth; and then in a second, your back hurts from the hard landing on the rocky grounds of earth.

Earth and sky.  Sky and earth.

I have a friend who is losing his mother to cancer.  I have another friend who is watching her mother fade away with an obscure disease that nobody has ever heard of.  And another, and another and another. . .

I have cried so much for other people this week that I am wondering if I should get a paycheck for it.  I have had my own share of bad news, and my own unsurmountable, unknown level of joy as well. 

But then, I hear a story of redemption.  That story where the girl is broken, and lost, and confused and scared, and one day, after years of soul searching, she comes out of it; and she finds that she has been loved all along; she finds that her dreams are tangible; she finds that the pain she has endured for years, brought her to this great moment of truth.

She has found that love really does conquer all.  And so she reaches out, tentatively at first, for that first hand to hold that has been open and wanting the entire time she has been lost in her world of grief and confusion, fear and desire.

Her rocky ground, her higher ground, her rocky ground, her higher ground. . .

After some time, she learns that if she stretches her legs, and places her feet in the most perfect position, she can land on the rocky ground while still maintaining her view of the heavenly sky.  And in that moment, she realizes that she shall never land as hard as she did the first time.

And she has found her truth. 

And from that moment on, it's not a fight anymore, it's not a challenge, it's an acceptance of life's beauty, life's despair, life's grandly unbelievable and joyous truth!

God graces us with experiences - - - compassion, indignation, desire, magic - - - and He waits. And waits. And waits.

Then one day, we get it.  And His arms embrace us.  And we are there.


[Kim Kurek, sweetheart of all sweethearts, you inspired this.  And I am so very happy for you.]

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