Tuesday, July 26, 2011


It's been a heck of a week.  A HECK of a week.  I learned a few things:

1.  When you tell your kids not to hit each other, they'll pinch each other.

2.  Sometimes you regret the words you couldn't say more than you regret the words you did say.

3.  Sending out resumes to jobs you don't really want, kinda sucks.

4.  Wishing you could win the lottery is not nearly as much fun as it is to pretend that you did win it.

5.  If I could write all day, every day and make a living, I'd be a very happy woman.

5.  When you tell your kids not to hit or pinch each other, they'll kick each other.

6.  iCarly is a rather humorous show, and I'm likely to watch it while the kids are away for a week vacation with their dad.

7.  The thought of a week away from the kids, starting tomorrow, kinda sucks.

8.  The past is always lurking in the present, ready to pounce on you.

9.  My son, though he doesn't know it, might be the most romantic boy in the world.  How do I know?  He said to me the other day:  "Sometimes I take a nap at Daddy's just so I can go to sleep and dream about you."  (Yeah, I know)

10. When you tell your kids not to hit or pinch or kick each other, they'll bite each other.

11. Sometimes a floor puzzle is all you need to bond with your child and turn the day around.

12.   I miss my sister and cannot wait to Skype with her soon.

13. After spending hours cleaning up the muddy mess your little bastard, Enzo makes, there is still more mud to be cleaned up.  (It was like Cujo took over the house). 

14. When Paige touched my cheek and said she thought I was the most beautiful woman at Tony's football practice, my heart jumped with joy and gratitude.

15.  It is possible to cry with joy for someone else while feeling sorrow and regret because of that joy.

16. Tony can make me laugh all the time.  Two examples:  At a Chinese restaurant he was inhaling Lo Mein and he said, "I wish I was a noodle so I could eat myself;" and after I asked him if he liked playing football, he looked me square in the eye and said, "It sucks.  Bad."

17.  When you get fed up and bite your hand to stop from screaming at your kids, they pay attention and stop hitting, pinching, kicking and biting eachother.

That's all I have for now.  It's been a heck of a week, I tell ya.

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