Monday, November 26, 2012

Why Haven't I Written?

For the past two months, I've gotten emails or texts, or a phone call that asks me why I haven't written - - - from various people that span across seasons of my life.  All great.

And I've asked myself the same question nearly every day for a month.  Why haven't I written?

Too much time spending the millions of dollars I have beneath my mattress?
Too many days of vacationing in the sun?

I don't entirely know why I haven't written.  Sometimes I think it's because I am afraid of what I will learn about myself if I do write. A lot of times I think it's because I am tired of digging deep and I just want to skate for awhile, along the avenues of mediocrity and ease.

Quite honestly, I am just tired.  Work, kids, dogs, boredom, self-abuse. . . they all take their turns at emptying the tank.  I think I might just need a few too many days of vacationing with the millions of dollars I have stashed beneath my mattress.

Yet, when I put pen to paper (which I've been doing instead of typing for all the world to see), I find happiness in words.

Paige and I have a thing going now. . .  when she acts up - - - talks smack, calls her brother a name, whines - - - I give her the "that is very unbecoming of a little girl. . . for your punishment, you must correctly spell the word pseudonym, define it and use it correctly in a sentence.  You have until Friday."  She did well on the first go 'round, I am now waiting for the word "malevolent" from her. 

She stumped me though.  We were at church and she looked down at a word in the song, oblation, and whispered, "What does that mean?"  I read it in the context of the song, and had no idea.  I shrugged.  "Looks like you have a word for Friday," she said.  "Looks like I do," I whispered back.

Oblation:  A solemn offering or presentation to God or a deity.  The oblations I make seem insufficient. . .

Why do I write?

I love words.

Thanks to my readers who have asked why I haven't written. . .  still don't know why, for certain, but will keep pushing. 

After a nap. . . ? 


Andrea Renee said...

I've missed you writing - especially now that I've started writing again myself, and finally reading again, too. XOXO

Cliff Fazzolari said...

I've missed it too. You make me believe that my writing something every day is a mental deficiency..which it probably is. Your writing is a gift to us. Think of that


I’m tired these days. I procured a case of Covid and spent a few days down and out – still working, but tired, tired with a fried brain by t...