Thursday, May 3, 2012

In The Big Muddy

After a full day of work, an hour or so prepping and cooking dinner, an hour or so of prepping the kids to do their homework, I decided to clean. 

I pulled out the power washer and power washed my deck.  My back hurts.

After putting it away, I checked on the kids who were bathing in separate bathrooms.  But they weren't.  They decided to bathe together with about eight bars of hotel soap in the water with them.  Giggling as the "sculpted" with the soap - - - making pretty little figurines of balled up soap.  Every bath toy was on the floor, six towels were soaked, and all three rugs were in a corner.

"Get out!"  I yelled.

"Sorry Mom, we'll clean it up."

Bah.  I left them up there to clean it up. 

I pulled out the vacuum and vacuumed the entire downstairs --- capturing the nooks and crannies for pieces of goldfish crackers, pretzels, dog food.  The brush on the vacuum got caught up on some pink lemonade spills that occurred prior to bathtime.

After vacuuming, I went upstairs to see how the bathroom was coming along.  Towels were in the laundry room, rugs were in the dryer, toys were picked up, sink counter was wiped down, and the soap sculptures had been thrown in the garbage.  Better.

With the dinner dishes complete, and the laundry folded, I visited the mop closet.  There she was - - - waiting to be used.  Should I?  Shouldn't I? Should I?  Shouldn't I?

I mop, it rains, I am exasperated. . .  that's the way it usually goes.

Yet, she smiled and begged to be used.

So, I mopped while the kids ate goldfish and pretzels and drank pink lemonade in the living room.

The house looked good.  Great, even.

I went to bed, awoke to two barking dogs at 5:30 because a stray dog was loose in our front yard.  Poor dogs were going crazy.  They must have been sympathizing with the stray since he was caught outside.

In the rain.

Dogs barked, ran through the muddy back yard, barked, I whispered a few "Shut ups", brought them inside so that the neighbors wouldn't take up a collection to have me (or them) shot in the forehead, and watched as they trampled their muddy feet across the floors.

My back still aches.

They sleep soundly.

It's still raining.


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