Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Buttercup Barf Lips

I had a gift certificate for the best retailer on this planet - Barnes & Noble.  So after Tony's dentist appointment (he has grown-up teeth growing behind his baby teeth), we headed for the book store.  You would think that taking a five and seven year old to the bookstore would be a chore.  And you're right.  They discovered the kids section and ran toward it.  Fortunately, my purse was wrapped around my body and both hands were free and I got both of their shirt collars at the same time.  "Uh-uh, no running.  We need to be quiet and walk in here.  Got it?"  "Got it!" They both chimed.  As we walked down the center aisle, I grabbed about four books off the best seller table where the cover looked interesting and we settled ourselves in the children's section.  By the time I could look up, Paige had about twelve books in her arms - Junie B. Jones.  She looked at me and I began to shake my head and she said, "I know I can't get all of them, duh.  I just want to look at them and choose while you drink your coffee."  Smart kid.

I went to the 3-5 grade section and plucked off a book called Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor P. Poopypants.  I read the title out loud and looked down and found that both kids were standing next to me looking at what I held in my hands.  "How about we get this book and I'll read a chapter to you every night until we're all done with it?"   They nodded their heads vigorously.

On our way to get our "coffees", I jaunted through the bargain book section and grabbed books off the shelf.  All three of us had our arms full.  I set them up at a table and got in line to order two hot chocolates and a skim mocha, no whipcream, extra shot of espresso.  As I stood waiting I watched them.  Paige was thumbing through a Frog and Toad story and Tony was looking through a book on Sharks.  Each, in turn, animatedly showed the other what they were looking at - the excitement in their whispered voices was contagious because I noticed a few of the patrons smiling in their direction - even caught eyes with a cute one.  (And they say puppies are an attraction!)  In the end, we each got three books and one to share - the poopypants one.

Last night both kids begged to watch Spongebob before bed.  Amidst their pleas and cries, after we had settled into my bed, I began to read the first chapter of Poopypants.  Silence.  Giggles. Rapt attention. 

When I finished the first chapter, I said, "Do you want to watch Spongebob now and we'll read more tomorrow?"  Nope.  They wanted more.  And more.  And more.  The way we giggled at some of the parts was just awesome and created more of a bond.  Their favorite name of all the silly names in the book was:  Ivana Goda de Bafroom. 

We read sixteen chapters of the twenty-five chapter book.  Then it was lights out - no tv.  The kids were happily settled with their minds replaying the story.

First thing this morning, both kids jumped up and said, "Let's finish Captain Underpants!"

I groaned because the dogs had me up three times throughout the night.

"Mommy, go put on your coffee, feed the dogs and let them out and when you're done you can bring your coffee up here and we'll finish the book.  Okay?"

I was brushing my teeth at the time and didn't answer right away.



We finished it and I am now under strict orders to get the rest of the series so that we can read them in order.

How can I say no?

Oh, my silly name happens to be the title of this blog.

Fun stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great find....Just don't read them "Russian Tragedy" by
Ivanna Kutyakockov and
Imagonna Rippatitzov


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