Sunday, January 23, 2022

Yesterday, Tomorrow was Today

     I don't know why the title of this blog post keeps haunting my dreams.  I was speaking with my mother on the phone last week, and we were talking about what day of the week it is, and how, for the past couple of years, the days seem to blur together.  Working from home on a full-time basis for so long, has me wondering what day of the week it is too.  My poor mother has been cooped up in her house, listening to the news, watching re-runs of Andy Griffith, and sharpening colored pencils to use as she works through page after page in an adult coloring book for the past two years.

    "What day is today?"  My mother asked.


    "But the Bills played yesterday."

    "They did, it's playoffs, so they had the game on a Saturday.  They kicked the Patriot's ass."

    "Joshy..." My mother giggled.

    I laughed along with her.

    "So, yesterday, tomorrow was today."  My mother said.

    "Uh, yeah. Very philosophical of you, Mom."  We both laughed out loud.

    "So, what's today?" I asked playfully.

    "The day before tomorrow."  I thought she'd say Sunday, but she brilliantly kept it going, and laughed at her own humor.

    I'm not sure if there's a moral to the story or not, but yesterday, tomorrow was today, and now today is the day before tomorrow.  Maybe it's a statement on the now - today is today.  Today is tomorrow.

Go Bills!

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