I was still dating my husband when I was allowed a snapshot of Sebastian that has stayed with me for over eight years. I was washing my car outside, soaping it up, rinsing it off. Sebastian was enjoying the sunshine as I cleaned, basically finding sticks and dropping them at my feet so that I could throw them, and he'd fetch, I'd throw, he'd fetch... he could have put in a full day with that activity. While I was scrubbing my wheels, he dropped the stick at my feet. I stood up, stretched and looked down at him. He stared in my eyes, looked down at the stick, back up at me and then down to the stick again and back up, beckoning me to pick it up. I smiled at him and let him do it a few more times, until he was practically begging me to pick the stick up and throw. I bent down, picked it up, poised my arm in the air to throw and then saw Sebastian. A dragon fly had landed on the tip of his nose. It was the first time and the last time I had ever seen a dog cross his eyes. He stared at the dragon fly on the tip of his nose for a good five seconds, not moving. When it finally flew away, Sebastian nodded his head toward the stick in my hand and we resumed play.
Sebastian was a premarital asset, belonging to my husband, and so along with the furniture, he was taken away from the family household today. He was his dog, but I was his mommy for over eight years. It's like mourning his death today because I know I'm not likely to ever see him again - he'll be 13 in November - and the stress from changing households cannot be good for him. But he's a premarital asset, so he goes. He'll always be my boy though.
I'll miss you, buddy.
Hang in there Carrie!
Lots of love Sebastian!! I will miss him too.
You'll wind up missing the dog more!
I agree with cjf- that is a good observation!
Thinking of you carrie!
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