Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The White Board

So, the kids and I have taken to writing notes to each other on the white board.  Every day, I'll walk by and see a note from either Paige or Tony.  "Hi Mom, I love you, and Gracie, and Enzo and Jack-o-lantern (the pet caterpillar). . . just thought I'd let you know.  Love, Paige.  Or Tony will draw a picture of poop, and with an arrow, label it "Paige". 

The other day it was my turn.  I wrote, "My Dear Paige and Tony.  I ADORE you both.  I think you're AMAZING and AWESOME, and I am so thankful you're in my life.  ALWAYS.  Love, Mommy"

Last night, I tucked the kids in, and I walked by the white board.  Tony had mentioned that he wrote me a note after he came down from his shower, but I didn't have a chance to read it before then.  It read:

My Dear                      Tony,

I ADORE you                 .  I think Tony is AMAZING and AWESOME, and I am so thankful HE is in my life.  ALWAYS.  Love, Mommy.   P.S. Tony is my faverit.  Sorry Paige, but he is the BEST.

I fell into a sound sleep, giggling.  I can only imagine what Paige's response will be. . .

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